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8 03 2012

Oh man, as you can see immediately from the title – I’m at a block!

My blog so far consists on reviews, so I feel bad just rambling on about my life. Though this is my blog and I should be allowed to do whatever I want! Problem is, nothing interesting happens in my life… haha!

More or less things occupying my time lately is just school and work. Otherwise I’m lazying about. I really do want to work on my writing though, I just wish I had something interesting to write. It’s unfortunate because I got C+ on my last two assignments… for English… Ouch. :/ I’m not sure what went wrong, usually I can do pretty darn well on writing assignments. I suppose though since this is English at University the standards are much higher and I’m just not up to par. It may have something to do with the fact that I’m getting bored though.

Once again I find myself searching around trying to convince myself of what I want to do for the rest of my life. It’s really frustrating, feeling like it’s something I should already know. Though it really isn’t and I think it’s ridiculous that kids in high school are already being pressured into choosing their career before even really knowing themselves first. We hear all the time about most first year students in college/university completely flunking because there just isn’t a very good transition. I think I was lucky with that at least, I had just started up with a first year certificate program that was pretty lax, but gave a good introduction to college. Though I don’t know how much that will serve me now…

As I continuously say, I keep changing my mind. I’m fickle, and I get bored easily (which is why I’m notorious for not finishing games, or not playing them for long periods of time before I go back to finish). So I’ve been searching for whatever my “talent” or “calling” is. Sad thing is, it’s just not coming to me. There have been no epiphanies for me. Even with English, I don’t find I have a way with words like some people I know. Where it seems that they can just manipulate them perfectly into sentences that express so much.  I’ve given up almost completely on drawing, though I don’t want to let go of my creative side. Nothing to be creative about any more though…

I just seem to be really good at ranting. Haha! People have always told me they love to listen to me rant… Not much you can do with that though, I don’t think.

Anyway so really I’ve been trying to decide what to do next, and what direction I want to try to stick to. I know I’m incredibly unhappy at York University, and I’ve been accepted to Journalism and Media Communications at Humber. So my choices are between finishing an English major (not likely to keep my interesting) or choosing one of those two. Initially I was all about Journalism, because I wanted to be able to write good reviews about stuff I’m interested in, but I’ve already been having second thoughts. At the information session the program coordinator mentioned “You have to become a news junkie” and that does’t sound like me. So it had be really worried, having to feign interest in politics and such. Which is why I’ve seem to have turned to Media Communications with it variety of subjects. It’s incredibly diverse, and often described as “a little bit of everything”. I’m starting to think maybe that would be good for me, since I keep getting bored with whatever I choose. It’s also only 2 years, meaning I can hurry up and get into a job.

I’m always in a hurry to grow up, haha. Though some family might read this (and I’ll hear about it later then) but I’ve already begun thinking about moving out. It’s just in my mind, and by no means can happen any time soon. I want to hopefully endure as much work at Chrysler as possible, pay for my school so I don’t owe for that, and hopefully get a decent job asap. Though I am looking into getting a car in the summer, so that will be more money borrowed. I’m really trying to be realistic buut it can’t hurt to consider things!

I could go into a whole new entire rant into how doomed students are with loans and debt. I’m really grateful my parents have the money to lend me and I really hope to pay them back as much as I can before I move out. Moving out means more debt at first! Which is why full-time job is absolute requirement! I really wonder how some people manage to move out so quickly, though from what I hear end up moving back home. I’m pretty sure my parents are ensuring this will not happen by not pressuring any of us about moving out, haha.

So yup, all kinds of regular life stuff. Used car shopping, procrastinating on school work, deciding future endeavours.

Oh happy women’s day! I guess I could have done a full post on that, didn’t even think about it. Maybe I should, just to have more content, haha! Just my personal opinions on stuff. Though I haven’t read up much on this International Women’s Day, suppose I should. Hm hm hm. Perhaps I should give that as an assignment to myself.

I think I will! It’s a subject I’m interested in!

Okay, be back in a bit with another post!



7 responses

9 03 2012

As a journalism student, you really do have to become a news junkie. My prof quizzes us every week on current events, but it’s not just politics… it is entertainment and sports and the Middle East.

Anyway, best of luck with your decision and good luck getting in to the program!

9 03 2012

Thanks for the insight! I’m starting to think it may just not be for me, I can still write without being a journalism student.

9 03 2012

Absolutly! One of my friends did the same. She was enrolled in journalism but found that she wanted to write more fiction and less press releases. Personally, all I want is to work for some company as a P.R person, but there is no major for that!

9 03 2012

Yeah see I was looking into Journalism because I wanted Magazine Editor P: like.. a video game magazine, haha

9 03 2012

Journalism would be the right major for that then. You’re right to do it at a college instead of a university, the college is more hands-on practical.

9 03 2012

Mhm that’s why it’s still in the running, but I’m changing my mind on it already, haha. So something more broad might be better for me.

9 03 2012

Well, at least that way you can go into a specialty when you want to!

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